Soo tired! I've been working extra hours this week, and now I'm regretting it! Although, always thankful to the Lord for allowing me to have a job, and being able to work extra hours! I'm ready to it the beach today with some amazing people, and while I'm there, I will remember to be thankful for the beauty in God's works rather than find the negative. All too often I see people forgetting about the miracle placed in front of them, and focus on how they could improve, or why they dont like something! I always lose track, and never soak in how awesome and wonderful God is, and how He just gave us all this beautiful land...for free! Here lately I have noticed some things, and thought about how He even thought of the idea on some things.. It is truly awe striking. I choose not to question His works, rather to enjoy, and be thankful.
I have recently gotten into dying my hair...I know "Your hairs gonna fall out!" To which I say, yeah of course it is, so why not have fun while I HAVE hair, rather than be bored? LOL I dyed it black last weekend, then a little bright red last night, and next weekend, I'm adding blue! I'm so excited! Some people think its weird to be an example of Christ, and look so wild. I however know that God loves and cares about whats in my heart rather than my exterior. I have been criticed for the earrings I used to have, and when I got a tattoo, a Biblical tattoo a that, and I just let go through one ear, and out the other...God knows whats in my heart, and if He has an issue, I hope I would know!
So anyways...just a reminder, be thankful for not the materialistic things He gives, but the natural, and more special things. He is all too kind, and loving, so when something comes our way, it is our turn to be loving right back! Also, dont be upset or offended if you look like the "typical Christian". You are beautiful because God created you! If you want to change up your style, and try something new, well have fun! Life is short...way too short to live the same day twice!

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