How amazing is the life for Christ? I've been going though the book Radical by David Platt, leading a bible study, and I've grown so much into living for Him. I've also began going to a college aged ministry in my area, and wow... The growth I've experienced is breathtaking! I haven't been near a computer in so long to update the site or anything...finally Weebly created an app where I can at least post to the blog! I promise to keep you guys updated on things going on in my life, and I'm gonna try to keep you guys updated on the bible study progress! I love you all, and thankful for your dedication to this site.. God bless! :0) 
How hard is it for us to make the right decisions? We all know what is the right thing to do, but sometimes we don't follow through with that. As kids, or teens, we don't know everything... We think we do... but we dont.
God is always there for us to guide us, and help us with His wisdom and knowledge.
It's usually US that's not receptive to Him and His wisdom.
I wanna challenge y'all and myself to go to Him with any problems.
Even the littlest things in your mind, He's ready to help us with.
Often we want to take control, even when were clueless. But we are to go to Him with any issues. Nothing should be dealt with without His help, and guidance.

Have a great day!
Putting Him first is ALWAYS our intention...but is it always our action?
Think about it, how many times have you been out with friends, and you all end up doing something you know you are not supposed to? Or, leave church, and listen to ungodly music...sometimes our intentions, and our actions are two different things...
I'm no better. No different.
I want to challenge people to begin thinking of God when you go to do something... whatever it is, going to the store? Take God with you. Going to school? Take God with you.
With the thought of Him in the back of your head you'll be more sure to make the right choices...and in the end, you'll feel better.
Nobody said being a Christian was easy...but I say it's rewarding.
Hope you all have a good day...and take Him with you everywhere you go :)
Living for the church...
I just had this happen to me, and it set me back a bit.
I feel like I have a deeper want for our Lord, and a stronger relationship, and I also feel like I am alot closer to Him than before. But recently I pierced my ears, and for some reason was nervous to go to church the next Wednesday...I was worried about what others would say or think, and it hurts when a friend told me that me telling others that was bad mouthing the members of our church. I love the members of my church family, and see them as family members. Each and eery one of them. Like she said, we may not see eye to eye sometimes, but that is not any excuse to immediately talk trash. I didn't intend to bad mouth them, but looking deeper into the situation I realized I dont need to go to church and try to make them happy... I need to do things for God, and if I pray about something, and think about it hard enough to come to a satisfied conclusion, I know God should be proud.
Something I struggle wth is ALWAYS trying to please others, and going out of my way to make people happy, I never expect nor recieve anything in return, and I've become sort of a floor mat, and knowing that I had so much fear in me to not want to go to church, CHURCH, the HOUSE OF GOD!! Knowing that, was unsettling, and sadly I didnt even see it myself. I had to have a dear friend tell me. I have some major re-evaluation to do on myself, but I know that I am making God proud...
For now on, if someone else isn't approving decisions I choose to make, I will go to God, and NOT try to handle it myself, which is what I need to do with EVERYTHING!!
I'm so sorry I haven't been posting as many Journal Entries, and I really wish I had more time to do so. I've been slammed with craziness, and sometimes I just need to sit, and focus on the site, which is something I am PASSIONATE about!
Please feel free to email me with any issues, and concerns you have, and I will get back to you ASAP with an
Soo tired! I've been working extra hours this week, and now I'm regretting it! Although, always thankful to the Lord for allowing me to have a job, and being able to work extra hours! I'm ready to it the beach today with some amazing people, and while I'm there, I will remember to be thankful for the beauty in God's works rather than find the negative. All too often I see people forgetting about the miracle placed in front of them, and focus on how they could improve, or why they dont like something! I always lose track, and never soak in how awesome and wonderful God is, and how He just gave us all this beautiful land...for free! Here lately I have noticed some things, and thought about how He even thought of the idea on some things.. It is truly awe striking. I choose not to question His works, rather to enjoy, and be thankful.
I have recently gotten into dying my hair...I know "Your hairs gonna fall out!" To which I say, yeah of course it is, so why not have fun while I HAVE hair, rather than be bored? LOL I dyed it black last weekend, then a little bright red last night, and next weekend, I'm adding blue! I'm so excited! Some people think its weird to be an example of Christ, and look so wild. I however know that God loves and cares about whats in my heart rather than my exterior. I have been criticed for the earrings I used to have, and when I got a tattoo, a Biblical tattoo a that, and I just let go through one ear, and out the other...God knows whats in my heart, and if He has an issue, I hope I would know!
So anyways...just a reminder, be thankful for not the materialistic things He gives, but the natural, and more special things. He is all too kind, and loving, so when something comes our way, it is our turn to be loving right back! Also, dont be upset or offended if you look like the "typical Christian". You are beautiful because God created you! If you want to change up your style, and try something new, well have fun! Life is short...way too short to live the same day twice!

I was blessed every day this week, my best friend Shelbie, came back into my life after a huge fight. I was given a job relocation that is much better suited for myself, and of course, every day I woke up, and was free in my beautiful country.
I unfortunately missed church this past week, which is always upsetting, because I love everyone and everything about my church, ESPECIALLY my Children's Church class.
I was given the opportunity to help an awesome friend come closer to God, she wrote me an email that was so profound, I almost felt guilty, because she was so impressed, and jealous of my faith, and the way I am not afraid to shine in His Light.
I didn’t feel that that was true...I feel like a weakling when it comes to Him...but reading that, makes me think that maybe I am a good person, and I know being a good person isn't what a true Christian is, but when someone comes to you, and they don't talk much to you about faith, and religion, or God...and asks you to pray for them, that, as a Christian, is the greatest compliment to receive. I felt so amazing when she asked me, and was open about her faith issues, and struggles to me.
If you have struggles or any issues when it comes to your faith, please talk to someone...I talk to you guys.
I love having this website, and being able to open up to you guys. I don’t have any idea who reads this, the site doesn’t tell simply tells me how many, and seeing the numbers from the first Journal Entry was amazing, so I have plans to help and try to help anyone out there with issues.

If you are someone who is struggling with any issues, whether it is in your faith, or just daily struggles, I will be there for you.
I will be your silent helper, and assistant.
I will be honest upfront, and say I don't have all the answers, and I'm not gonna know what to tell you every single time, but I have resources, I have an amazingly intelligent pastor, and teachers at my church, and I am willing to ask them the questions for you that you may be too afraid to ask..

If you have no one to turn to, and AFTER you have turned to God, please email me at
[email protected]
I want to hear your stories, and struggles. I want to help.  
I'm with you, and I promise, I will be posting any struggle, and any problem I have...cause even though I don’t receive the answer every time, I know it’s off my chest, and someone out there knows that they have the same issue, and their not alone! :)

Hope you have an amazing day, and be strong in the Lord..
He there...even when no one else is.

Your friend,

I'm not perfect.
Noone is.
I have moments where I completely lose all self control, and give into the world, and temptations.
I am a victim of Satan.
I try so hard, but then I see something that flips the switch in my head.
I go blank, and like the snap of a finger, I am a victim.
I am the only one to blame.
I am the one who commits the sins, and the one who loses control.
I awaken myself from my black nightmare, and think about all the evil in my head, and life.
I can't believe the things I've done, and the actions I've committed.
I find it hard to understand that God forgives, and forgets.
I can't forgive, nor forget.
I have a drive to be more Christ-like.
I have an honest want to be more like the Christian, I know I should be.
But...I'm weak.
I love God, and I know for a 100% fact that I do...
But I feel like those words mean nothing when I continually live the ways of the world.
I am weak.
I never ask for help.
I never want to admit that I need it.
I ask for 'unspoken' prayer requests at church as a cry for help, and noone ever listens.
I lay awake at night worried, mad, angry and upset that I am not the person I woke up that morning saying I'm going to be.
I say a prayer.
I shed a tear.
I'm a role model.
I teach kids how to love the Lord, and be boastful of our God, and sing His name to the tops of the mountains, yet I am hollow inside.
I have an entire website dedicated to helping teens be more Christ-like, and walk stronger in their daily faith.
I freeze when people ask me about the Bible.
I become disabled when the sermon, or lesson is about something that I am struggling with.
I hide behind comedy.
I love to make people laugh.
I put a smile on your face, while a tear falls behind mine.
I feel that I can't talk to anyone.
Inside, though, I know I can talk to God...
I'm scared.
The pounding in my heart, and the tears on my face, prove that I am loved by Him, and He is holding me.
However, I am unworthy of everything He's given me.
I watch the movies, and sob for hours after, cause I know He's there, and I can't rid the guilt that I constantly push Him away...
He died for me.
I can't seem to live for Him.
I want to live for Him.
I want to shout His name on the top of the mountains.
I want to make changes, but feel that society is always pushing me back.
I am weak to the Devil.
I am weak to temptation.
I am weak.

I ask for a prayer. 
Nothing more.
Some who know me will read this, and some who read this don't know me, but I feel that a lot of teens have the same problems, so I want to be their voice.
I'm in no way saying I have the resources, to help.
But I plan to keep this journal of strength, and daily struggles.
Because I feel its nice to know others have the same problems.
If you know me, don't mention this.
If you don't, I hope it helps you...

This is my unspoken journal.

I am going to put my Christianity, and faith back together.

One day at a time.